Kings Affiliation
Hi {team_admin_main_firstname:value}!
Thanks for submitting the following details online via the KSC Affiliation Form.
You have stated on your affiliation form that:
You'd like to participate in the {club_details_league:value} League.
Team Entry Summary:
Mixed |
Ladies |
Board |
{team_breakdown_mixed:value} |
{team_breakdown_ladies:value} |
{team_breakdown_boarders:value} |
Please check the contact details you've supplied are as follows:
Your Name: {team_admin_main_firstname:value} {team_admin_main_surname:value}
Your Club appointment/position: {team_admin_main_position:value}
Your Email: {team_admin_main_email:value}
Your Mobile: {team_admin_main_mobile:value}
When asked if you also pay the team's bills, you said {team_treasurer_same:value}
(If you said no, then the following details contain the bill-payer's information. Please check it!)
Contact details for the person paying the bills are as follows:
Name: {team_treasurer_main_firstname:value} {team_treasurer_main_surname:value}
Email: {team_treasurer_main_email:value}
Mobile: {team_treasurer_main_mobile:value}
You added these notes:
Thanks for sending us your affiliation application.
You will be able to see you're basic details on the KSC website... If you spot any errors, or you'd like to add anything, simply reply to this email.
- Make sure your payments are up-to-date. You can contact our treasurer if you need to - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Read the race rules below. Keep them for later reference!
- Read the rules for each dry slope on the website. They vary a lot but be prepared to always wear long sleeves and helmets!
- Check out Fancy Dress themes - they're in the calendar too!
- Tell us immediately if your contact details change or someone else takes over your role.
- Collect the mobile number from the Kings official responsible for your league at round one.
- Arrive on time - or call the Kings official responsible for your league if you're going to be late.
- Arrive at round one 90 minutes before the scheduled start time... 60 minutes for subsequent rounds.
- Always check the website the night before each round.
- Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for last minute changes and road or weather warnings -
Remember that this year we are running 4 rounds in each league and the results from all 4 will count towards your final place in the league, and the possibility of qualifying for the finals.
Race Rules - KSC National Parallel Slalom League
May 2013
1.1. A parallel slalom relay will consist of two teams racing each other in parallel slalom format.
1.2. The second and subsequent team members start when the preceding racer has crossed the line.
1.3. Mixed Teams are to consist of 5 individuals with at least one member of each gender per team, Boarder Teams are to consist of 4 racers with no gender requirement, and Ladies Teams are to consist of 4 female racers. All racers must be at least 18 years of age.
2.1. The course will be normally marked by single slalom poles, red for one course and blue for the other.
2.2. Self-redressing "flex" poles must be used.
2.3. A flag signal is to be used to indicate to the start that a racer has crossed the finish line.
2.4. flag for each course, preferably one red and one blue, needs to be visible from the start.
3.1. The course setter should aim not to give long straight runs but should vary the radius of the curves to provide a flowing course with rhythm changes for the racer.
3.2. As far as possible, the two courses should be spaced identically throughout their length, making allowance for variations in gradient and for any bends / dog-legs in the slope between the two courses.
3.3. The two courses should be spaced as far apart as possible. Officials must be satisfied that the spacing makes the event as safe as possible. Adequate clearance must be maintained from both sides of the slope.
4.1. For the first round per region of the season, teams will be seeded by their final placing in their regional league at the end of the last season.
4.2. For the second regional rounds, teams will be seeded by their placing in the previous round. For the remaining rounds, teams will be seeded by their league point position.
4.3. In determining the order in which teams compete, the officials will attempt to ensure the best seeded teams are placed in separate mini-leagues.
4.4. All efforts should be made by officials to prevent teams from the same university ski club racing in the same mini-league in the Round One and the subsequent rounds.
4.5. The officials shall decide in advance which colour course shall be skied by each team and shall ensure, as far as practical, teams alternate between courses. This will have been built into the Race Order.
4.6. For the final of a league race, the captains of the two teams shall be given the choice to race on the course assigned to them or toss a coin for the choice of course. Both teams should not be told which course they have been assigned until they have agreed the method for the allocation of the courses.
4.7. Should a mini-league of three teams be drawn after the First Round of races during a League Round Race, i.e. each team has won one and lost one race, then any team with a disqualification against them is deemed to have come third in the league. The remaining two team’s positions are determined by who won and lost when those two teams raced each other – the winning team will be first and the losing team second.
4.8. Should two teams, in a mini league of three teams, have disqualifications against them, then then the team with no disqualifications is deemed to have come first in the league, second and third places are determined by who won between the two teams with disqualifications when they raced each other.
4.9. Should there be no disqualifications in a drawn mini-league of three, then the two lowest seeded teams race off. The loser is then placed third. The winner races off against the highest seeded team. The winner is then placed first in the mini-league, the loser second.
4.10. Should all three teams have a disqualification against them, then Rule 4.9 is followed.
5.1. The starter shall close the course when he/she first gets to the start of the course. This prevents teams from continually skiing the course and assembles teams ready for the start of the race.
5.2. The starter shall marshal the teams to be ready in race order for each race and ensure all team members are in order and ready to race.
5.3. A team must be ready to start within 2 minutes of the last team member's finishing the run in the previous round. If the team is not ready within the time, it may be disqualified.
5.4. The starter is responsible in ensuring that everyone in the start area is ready and that the finisher is in position, aware a race is about to start and that the flags are clearly visible.
5.5. The starter will normally stand below and between the first two racers for the start of a race.
5.6. The starter will ensure both of the first racers are standing still in the gate at the start.
5.7. To start the racers by stating; "Are you ready on the blue course... (Wait for reply), Are you ready on red... (Wait for reply).... Racers ready"...
5.8. Wait for an unpredictable interval of up to 3 seconds... "Go".
5.9. If a racer crosses the start line or is moving before the starter says "Go", a false start has occurred.
5.10. One false start by the first racers is allowed per team per round. If a second false start occurs in that round, the team is disqualified from that race.
5.11. The signal for the second, third, fourth and fifth racers to start will be a flag per course which will be dropped as the preceding racer crosses the finish line.
5.12. Where flags are used, the feet of next racer must remain behind the start line at the top of the course until the flag is dropped and that the starter is in no doubt that a correct start has been made.
5.13. If a false start is made by the second, third or fourth racer, the starter must hold the next racer back by blocking their start by placing their arm across the racer. Once the preceding racer who made the false start has crossed the finish line, the starter must prevent the next racer from starting until a suitable time period has elapsed.
5.14. If the fifth racer makes a false start, the team is disqualified from the race in which the infringement took place.
5.15. The starter must give the racers a clear briefing on the start singles to be used.
5.16. Excessive delay at the start makes a team subject to disqualification.
6.1. The Starter and Finisher are to watch both carefully to ensure no infringements of the rules take place.
6.2. The starter is responsible for witnessing any infringement at the top of the slope and the finisher for the bottom of the slope.
6.3. If racers from both teams cross the finish line after having both made an incorrect passage of the course, the team which travelled furthest down the course before the incorrect passage shall be deemed to be the winner of the race.
6.4. If a member of a team straddles a gate or is seemingly disqualified in any other way, the Starter and/or Finisher, depending on who witnesses the infringement, must mark a D against the disqualified team on the Race Order Sheet.
7.1. A correct passage is made when a racer passes on alternate sides of poles throughout the course in accordance with the pre-determined race line dictated by the course.
7.2. It must be clear to the racers which side of the first pole then racers must pass.
7.3. Racers must be prepared to ski around a pole held in position by an official or volunteer if necessary.
7.4. If the pole has been displaced and it is not possible to replace it in time, then racers must be prepared to ski round where the pole use to be to the best of their ability.
8.1. Skiers must cross the line with at least one ski attached to their ski boot. Failure to cross the line with at least one ski attached will be considered to be a disqualification.
8.2. The Finisher shall:
8.2.1. Get all teams to the start of the course from the bottom before the start can begin.
8.2.2. Ensure racers return to the start of the races if they have still to compete.
8.2.3. Ensure they are always in a position to accurately oversee the finish of the race.
8.2.4. Ensure the point at which a racer is deemed to have crossed the finish line on the slope is constant for both courses and for all races.
8.2.5. Ensure the part of the racers body, ski tip, boot tip, ankle etc. that is to be taken as crossing the line is used consistently.
8.3. The flags must be raised at all times during a race and dropped quickly when a racer on the respective course crosses the line.
8.4. The flags are to be raised and waved to indicate to the Starter that they are ready for a race to start.
8.5. When the red or blue course wins a race, in the finisher's opinion, both flags must point to the winning course to indicate the result to the starter.
8.6. The Finisher shall carefully watch both courses and record any infringement that takes place.
8.7. The Finisher shall accurately record the result of each race on a duplicate RACE ORDER SHEET.
9.1. Disqualification may result from:
9.1.1. Late arrival at the start.
9.1.2. A second false start by the first racer in the same race they first false started in.
9.1.3. A racer starting when being held back by the starter due to a false start by the preceding racer.
9.1.4. A false start by the final racer.
9.1.5. Incorrect passage of a gate.
9.1.6. Obstructing an opponent voluntarily or involuntarily.
9.1.7. Unsporting behaviour.
9.1.8. Verbal or physical abuse of officials
9.2. Poles knocked into the opposing team's course can constitute obstructing an opponent. Teams cannot protest against being obstructed by poles from their own course.
9.3. If racers consider they have been obstructed, they must ski out at the point of obstruction and report to the nearest official.
9.4. If a protest against obstruction is not upheld, the team registering the protest is deemed to have lost.
9.5. After every round, the starter and finisher compare the results. Who ever was in the best position to judge a disqualification has their decision upheld.
9.6. When a decision cannot be reached, the racer and team in question must be given the benefit of doubt.
9.7. No decision regarding a team's disqualification can be confirmed until the starter and finisher have conferred between rounds. They shall not be drawn into making a decision when races are still being run by irate team captains.
9.8. After any race, if any team captain wishes to appeal against a disqualification, this is the time for them to do it, only after the starter and finisher are happy with their combined results. REMEMBER, the judges’ decision is final.
9.9. Racers are reminded that it is impossible to run parallel slalom events with the same precision as individual timed slalom. They are asked to behave in a sporting manner and to co-operate with the officials in ensuring that the events run smoothly and to time.
10.1. Substitution of team members can only be made in the case of illness or injury.
10.2. Teams must be expected to perform at the level that the team has been entered at, i.e. a first team shall comprise of a club’s 5 best racers.
10.3. Any attempt to enter teams below the standard expected, e.g. racing a first team as a second or third team, shall be deemed unsporting behaviour and the team concerned disqualified from the entire League Round.
11.1. Teams shall consist of 4 female racers.
11.2. The format and subsequent rules of the competition shall be the same as noted for the Team Parallel Slalom with no deviation.
11.3. Ladies Team Parallel Slalom will take place on the same course as the Team Parallel.
11.4. The race format shall be at the discretion of the officials and incorporated within the Team Parallel race order in such a way as not to cause inconvenience to the Team Parallel competition
12.1. Teams shall consist of 4 boarders of any sex.
12.2. The format and subsequent rules of the competition shall be the same as noted for the Team Parallel Slalom with no deviation.
12.3. Boarders Team Parallel Slalom will take place on the same course as the Team Parallel.
12.4. The race format shall be at the discretion of the officials and incorporated within the Team Parallel race order in such a way as not to cause inconvenience to the Team Parallel competition.
12.5. Mono-boarding is an accepted form of snowboarding!
13.1. Teams will qualify for the National Finals depending upon their final league position.
13.2. Teams will be selected from their league and the number of teams selected per league will be a proportion of the number of teams competing in that league, i.e. the largest league will have the largest number of teams invited to the final.
13.3. The total number of teams invited to attend the final will depend upon the Health and Safety capacity, the total numbers of skiers permitted on the slope, at the slope chosen to host the National Finals.
13.4. Teams will be seeded for the final by their final points per league. Every effort will be made to prevent teams from the same league competing against each other in the first round.
13.5. The National Finals will include a Men's and Women's Skier and Snowboarder Individual Slalom. This will be open to all individuals competing in the team event.
13.6. The rules for a Kings Ski Club Individual Slalom competition will be adapted ESC rules. The major difference being no seeding of individuals for a race on plastic slopes.
13.7. Additional individual events, such as Freestyle Moguls, Individual Giant Slalom may be run if the provision for such competitions is available at the slope chosen to hold the National Finals.
14.1. All competitors in the Kings Ski Club National Parallel Slalom League are expected to behave in an appropriate manner during and after a regional round race and the National Finals. During and after races, Rule 65 will be implemented.
14.2. Any team, club or individual whose behaviour has allegedly brought Kings Ski Club into disrepute and who is the subject of a letter of complaint from a supplier to Kings Ski Club, ski slope management, landlord etc. or opposing teams, clubs or individuals will receive a formal letter from the Race Director outlining the allegation against after a report from a Kings Official at the scene has been received by the Kings Ski Club Committee.
14.3. The team, club or individual will be invited to put their side of the story in writing to the Race Director and all sides of the alleged incident will be reviewed by the Kings Ski Club Committee in the strictest confidence.
14.4. Any team, club or individual that is found to have brought Kings Ski Club into disrepute will be liable for any damage caused and / or compensation due and the team and / or club they represent will may face one or more of the following, to be implemented at the discretion of the Kings Ski Club Committee:
14.4.1. financial fine
14.4.2. loss of league points for one or more their club teams
14.4.3. disqualification from the next round
14.4.4. disqualification from any remaining rounds
14.4.5. barring from all KSC events for the remainder of the season / following season
14.4.6. academic disciplinary procedures through their University Union
14.5. Should the club, team or individual wish to appeal against any disciplinary measures implemented against them they should do so in writing to the Kings Ski Club Chairman within 14 days of receiving the Committee's decision.
14.6. Kings Ski Club will not tolerate any form of abuse towards officials, whether that be in the form of verbal abuse during a race or written or electronic abuse through mediums such as social media and email. Any breaches of this rule will be subject to the punishments detailed in section 14.4.